Traveling can be a nightmare if you are wheelchair-bound. A lot of extra plannin...
Europe Handicapped Toilets + Elevators
Having a universal key to unlock a wheelchair accessible bathroom or elevator in...
Cologne, Germany Wheelchair Travel Tips
Cologne, Germany, is a vibrant city steeped in history and culture, making it a ...
Germany Transportation
Whether you are a resident of Germany or just visiting, it’s important to know...
Eurostar + Eurail Train Travel by Wheelchair
Our European grand tour by train began at the London Gatwick Airport where we to...
Munich Bavaria, Germany Trip + Tips
Munich Bavaria is a beautiful wealthy first-world town. Everything is thought ou...
Germany Travel: Accessibility + Barriers
Germany has always been a country that I have always wanted to see since I can r...
Berlin, Germany: 13 Accessible Attractions
Berlin is the capital city of the Federal Republic of Germany and with its 3.4 m...
Europe Cruise: Holland, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland & Russia
Looking for a wheelchair accessible European Cruise? If so, a Scandinavian...
Berlin was Surprisingly Wheelchair Accessible
In 2004, I traveled to Berlin, Germany for 10 days with a friend who proposed th...