The hotel has a few accessible rooms, one with a roll-in shower. Handicapped parking and automatic front doors are also available. Directly inside is a computer for guests and across from that is the check-in desk with no lowered modifications and the elevator. Breakfast is complimentary (Mon-Fri 6am-9am, Sat-Sun 7am-10am). The indoor pool area opens with your key card (not automatic) and is equipped with a lift for both the pool and spa. An accessible bathroom is also available.
Room #105
General Details:
- Ground Floor
- Carpet: Hallway and Room
- Door: Widened with lowered peep hole.
- Clothes: Low dressers drawers, no closet.
- HVAC: On the ground by window.
- Windows: Extended rod for better access.
- Bed: Reasonable height with access to both sides.
- Nightstand: Push-button light plus easy-to-reach outlets.
Bathroom Details:
- Roll-in shower with a portable bench with back, hand-held nozzle, and grab-bars.
- Lowered hook (on back of door).
- Roll-up Sink and mirror in entryway (no full-length mirror).
- Towel Rack: On wall closest to shower.
- Toilet: Front or side transfer with grab-bars.