Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah offers a series of viewpoints of the canyon, some with short walkways that are accessible. To start, pickup an Access Guide at the Visitor Center for details that make exploring the park easier. The Visitor Center has automatic front doors and an accessible restroom. It’s also a shuttle stop, which is accessible and can accommodate two wheelchairs at once and is equipped with safety belts. Besides the Visitor Center, accessible toilets are located at Bryce Canyon Lodge, the General Store, Loop A and the group site of Sunset Campground, Farview Point, and Rainbow Point. Restrooms at Sunset Point may be accessible to some.


The only accessible paved trail in Bryce Canyon National Park is a section of the Rim Trail, located between Sunset Point and Sunrise Point.

Scenic Overlooks

  • Fairyland Point: Unpaved viewpoint, 97ft (159m) to the rim – ok access (the road is closed in winter).
  • Sunrise Point, Sunset Point, and Inspiration Point: Both are located in the same parking area with multiple accessible parking spots at each overview entrance. Also located in this area are regular handicapped restrooms versus those with an accessible vaulted toilet. All three lookouts have paved pathways; expect slight inclines.
  • Bryce Point: Paved viewpoint, 129ft (51m) – good access. An additional, steep 750ft (230m) paved trail takes people to a second lookout. This trail is weathered although paved and has no guard rails. Two accessible parking spots are available.
  • Paria View: Paved viewpoint, 129ft (39m) to the first overlook and continues for an additional 631ft (247m) in a downward slope to another viewing area. Two accessible parking spots are available (the road is closed in winter).
  • Swamp Canyon: Paved and level trail, 40ft (12m), to overlook. One handicapped spot is available.
  • Farview Point: Paved trail, 70ft (21m) to the viewpoint. Right next to Piracy Point. Two accessible parking spots are available along with vaulted toilet restrooms.
  • Piracy Point: Unpaved, fairly level trail that is 1018ft (308m) from the parking lot at Farview Point.
  • Natural Bridge: Paved, level trail for 61ft (19m) to the viewing area. Two accessible parking spots are available.
  • Agua Canyon: Paved, level trail for 54ft (16m) to the viewing area. One accessible parking spot is available.
  • Ponderosa Canyon: Paved, level trail for 32ft (10m) to the viewpoint and one accessible parking spot.
  • Black Birch Canyon: Paved, inclined trail for 141ft (43m) to the viewpoint. No accessible parking or cub-cutout to the viewpoint.
  • Yovimpa Point: Paved trail about 790ft (239m) to the viewing area.  Some slight inclines and no accessible picnic tables. From the other side of the parking lot, you can access Rainbow Point. Accessible parking is available.
  • Rainbow Point: Paved trail, 139ft (42m) to overlook. Another paved but slightly slopping trail leads to another overlook 321ft (97m) long. Four unisex restrooms with grab-bars and vaulted toilets are available along with more than three accessible parking spots.

Travel Tips

  • Just like Bryce National Park, the Red Canyon National Recreation Trail is also located in Dixie National Forest, just outside of Bryce Canyon. You can see the paved bike path at times along Highway 12 on the way to Bryce National Park. The pathway runs for about nine miles and is fully paved. Also, right on the borderline to Bryce Canyon is a cute small little town; a great place to eat and fill up on gasoline.
  • Bryce Canyon National Park is at a very high elevation and naturally colder than any other park in Southern Utah, so prepare accordingly.

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