Usually when you take the train, it will be recommended that you arrive close to an hour before. It was hard for me to follow this with the orchestration of a taxi to get to the train station, carrying bags and checking in but still got on the train in time. On the Amtrack Cascades Train from Seattle to Vancouver, I was moved to business class because all the coach spaces were full, which I took as a bonus for being “late.” There are a few spaces for a manual wheelchair and two for a power wheelchair to fit comfortably. At the end of the business class cabin is a cafe, serving snacks and drinks.
On the other end of the business class cabin, right near the the door is a unisex wheelchair accessible bathroom. This was a pleasant surprise and added to my comfort level for the four hour train ride. To get into the train itself, there is a chair lift that an attendant will assist you with.
Much of the area between these two cities is water, bays and the Pacific Ocean. Sometimes you are right along the coast. Wildlife can also be seen on the ride and commonly a bald eagle is spotted.